Work, Learning, and Leisure Environment: Perpustakaan Sebagai Wadah Kreatif Mahasiswa pada Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta dengan Pendekatan Adaptive Reuse

Mulyawan, Yudhistira Setya and -, Wisnu Setiawan, ST., M.Arch.,Ph.D (2023) Work, Learning, and Leisure Environment: Perpustakaan Sebagai Wadah Kreatif Mahasiswa pada Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta dengan Pendekatan Adaptive Reuse. Skripsi thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta.

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Libraries in general are one of the important elements in supporting people's interest and reading power. However, in the field, the number of library visitors is very low, either just reading books or looking for references. This is also reinforced by Indonesia's rank at the bottom of the list of people who love to read. It can be said that out of 1,000 Indonesians, there is only one person who reads avidly. The impact is also felt by libraries with a college scale, one of which is the Surakarta Muhammadiyah University Library. This library has a main problem in the form of a lack of functional adjustment with the modern era. Based on existing data, the number of visitors to the Surakarta Muhammadiyah University Library is indeed high, but judging from the activities of visitors, most of them only come to read and look for references and few enjoy facilities such as study areas and reading for a long period. The lack of visitors who enjoy the facilities for a long time is due to the lack of relevance of space design and the lack of some deepening of space functions. To overcome this, it is necessary to provide new areas and functions. The design method used is the concept of adaptive reuse. Adaptive reuse itself is used because it wants to maintain the characteristics of the main library building with adjustments to functions and forms that are more relevant to development.

Item Type: Thesis (Skripsi)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Library, Declining Visitors, Adaptive Reuse, Creative Contain
Subjects: N Fine Arts > NA Architecture
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Arsitektur
Date Deposited: 12 Aug 2023 03:38
Last Modified: 12 Aug 2023 03:38

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