Improving Students’ Speaking Skill In Teaching Speaking By Using Show And Tell Method For Junior High School Students By Using Power Point Presentation

Shabrina Putri, Aulia and -, Muamaroh, Ph.D and -, Dr. Dwi Haryati, M.Hum (2023) Improving Students’ Speaking Skill In Teaching Speaking By Using Show And Tell Method For Junior High School Students By Using Power Point Presentation. Thesis thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta.

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Aulia Shabrina Putri. S400190002. 2023. Improving Students’ Speaking Skill in Teaching Speaking by Using Show And Tell Method for Junior High School Students by Using Power Point Presentation. Thesis. Graduate Program Magister of Language Study. Muhammadiyah University. Surakarta. The objectives of the research were: 1) To describe the implementation of Show and Tell method in the teaching speaking for Junior High School Students; 2) To describe the advantages a n d the disadvantages of Show and Tell method in the Teaching Speaking for Junior High School Students.; 3) To describe the roles of the teachers of Show and Tell method in the Teaching Speaking for Junior High School Students.The type of the research was descriptive qualitative. The data were collected through observation, interview, and documentation. Findings show that the application of sjow and tell method using PPT in teaching writing for Junior High School students shows that methods used by the teacher in teaching writing in show and tell method was effective. The teacher delivered the material simply and gave orders to students step by step. The methods used by the teacher in teaching speaking in PPT are show and tell, storytelling, and role plays. In terms of classroom procedure, the finding show that activities of teaching speaking were modified into Opening, Questioning Activities, Writing Exercises, Grammar Review, Text Structure, and Construction a speaking, and they were included in three steps of teaching learning activities as opening, main activity, and closing. Meanwhile, the material used by the teacher is audio visual, printed, and non-printed material. English asessment was carried out in daily test or Ulangan Harian (UH), mid semester test or Penilaian Tengah Semester (UTS), and final test or Ulangan Akhir Semester (UAS). The media used in speaking class is powerpoint presentation. The advantages of the implementation of show and tell method in teaching speaking for Junior High School students are: the use of Show and Tell Method for speaking skill are helpful, interesting and easy to use and it can be used to help the learning process. It is effective method to complete implementation of the learning approach. The disadvantages of show and tell method using PPT consist of the teacher need to always keep on eye on one by one students who join in the class and the students who coming forward to speak up the ideas based on the pictures shown by the teacher, The use of this method cannot be used in a sudden condition, is due to the need for object preparation and experience will be notified. The teacher needs to prepare first about everything needed to use this method, and also all of the studentas are asked to prepare the task before this method applied in the class and learning process happened in that day and the time, it takes to do it show and tell is limited. This is because show and tell is done regularly to take turns, so all the students can perform at that moment the provided should be quite a lot. The roles of the teacher in using Show and Tell Method use PPT are the teacher as controller,resource, tutor, organizer and performer. While the roles of teacher as the fluency teacher are the teacher as prompter, participants and the feedback provider while students’ roles are as processor, performer, and listener.

Item Type: Thesis (Thesis)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Show And Tell Method, PPT, Teaching, Speaking
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Pasca Sarjana > Magister Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Date Deposited: 22 Jul 2023 01:47
Last Modified: 22 Jul 2023 01:47

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