Pengaruh Larutan Ekstrak Daun Jeruk Nipis (Citrus aurantiifolia) Konsentrasi 2,5% dalam Menghambat Laju Korosi Kawat Ortodonti Lepasan Berbahan Stainless Steel

Al Thariq, Rifky and -, drg. Vera Megawati., Sp. Ort (2019) Pengaruh Larutan Ekstrak Daun Jeruk Nipis (Citrus aurantiifolia) Konsentrasi 2,5% dalam Menghambat Laju Korosi Kawat Ortodonti Lepasan Berbahan Stainless Steel. Skripsi thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta.

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Bahan yang digunakan untuk membuat klamer, busur labial, busur lingual dan auxillary spring pada ortodonti lepasan adalah kawat stainless steel yang mempunyai kandungan logam berupa nikel, kromium, tembaga, besi molibdenum, mangan dan silikon yang menyebabkan terjadinya korosi. Korosi merupakan proses terlepasnnya semua komposisi logam pada kawat stainless steel yang menyebabkan terjadinya hipersensitivitas dan kawat mudah patah. Laju korosi adalah kecepatan penurunan kualitas karena korosi. Umumnya dalam menghitung laju korosi dapat dilakukan dengan dua metode yaitu: metode kehilangan berat dan metode elektrokimia. Metode kehilangan berat dengan cara perhitungan kekurangan berat pada material suatu logam. Laju korosi dapat dihambat dengan suatu bahan yang dapat menurunkan nilai laju korosi yang disebut inhibitor dan umumnya berasal dari senyawa organik dan anorganik. Senyawa organik ramah lingkungan dan aman pada tubuh manusia, seperti: tanin, flavonoid serta atom–atom nitrogen, oksigen, fosfor dan sulfur. Daun jeruk nipis mengandung senyawa organik inhibitor korosi, sehingga diharapkan mampu menghambat laju korosi kawat stainless steel. Tujuan dari penelitian ialah untuk mengetahui pengaruh larutan ekstrak daun jeruk nipis (Citrus aurantiifolia) konsentrasi 2,5% dalam menghambat laju korosi kawat ortodonti lepasan berbahan stainless steel. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ialah jenis penelitian eksperimental laboratories dengan rancangan penelitian the post test only control group design dengan menggunakan jumlah sampel 32 kawat dan diukur laju korosinya dengan metode weight loss. Metode weight loss diukur dengan perhitungan kekurangan berat pada material suatu logam. Sampel direndam selama 7 hari dalam inkubator bersuhu 37oC. Data yang didapatkan kemudian dianalisis menggunakan Independent T-test. Hasil penelitian dianalisis dengan Independent T-Test yang menunjukkan nilai signifikansi p<0,05 yang berarti terdapat pengaruh larutan ekstrak daun jeruk nipis (Citrus aurantiifolia) konsentrasi 2,5% dalam menghambat laju korosi kawat ortodonti lepasan berbahan stainless steel. Kesimpulan terdapat pengaruh larutan ekstrak daun jeruk nipis (Citrus aurantiifolia) konsentrasi 2,5% dalam menghambat laju korosi kawat ortodonti lepasan berbahan stainless steel. Kata kunci: Kawat stainless steel, korosi, laju korosi, inhibitor korosi, jeruk nipis. ABSTRACT The material used to make clamps, labial arcs, lingual and auxillary spring arcs in removable orthodontics is stainless steel wire which has a metal content in the form of nickel, chromium, copper, iron molybdenum, manganese and silicon which causes corrosion. Corrosion is the process of removing all metal compositions on stainless steel wires which cause hypersensitivity and broken wire. Corrosion rate is the speed of deterioration in quality due to corrosion. Generally in calculating the corrosion rate can be done by two methods, namely: the method of weight loss and the electrochemical method. The method of losing weight by calculating the weight deficiency in a metal material. Corrosion rates can be inhibited by a material that can reduce the value of corrosion rates called inhibitors and generally come from organic and inorganic compounds. Environmentally friendly and safe organic compounds in the human body, such as: tannins, flavonoids and atoms of nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus and sulfur. Lime leaves contain corrosion inhibitor organic compounds, so it is expected to be able to inhibit the corrosion rate of stainless steel wire. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of a solution of 2.5% lime (Citrus aurantiifolia) leaf extract in inhibiting the corrosion rate of removable stainless steel orthodontic wire. The method that used in the study was a type of experimental laboratory research with the post test only control group design design using 32 wire samples and measured the corrosion rate using the weight loss method. The weight loss method is measured by calculating the weight deficiency in a metal material. The sample was soaked for 7 days in a 37oC temperature incubator. Data obtained were then analyzed using the Independent T-test. The results of this study is analyzed by using Independent T-Test which showed a significance value of p <0.05, which means there was an effect of a solution of 2.5% lime (Citrus aurantiifolia) leaf extract in inhibiting the corrosion rate of removable stainless steel orthodontic wire. The conclusion of the study, the effect of a solution of 2.5% lime (Citrus aurantiifolia) leaf extract in inhibiting the corrosion rate of removable stainless steel orthodontic wire. Keywords: Stainless steel wire, corrosion, corrosion rate, corrosion inhibitor, lime.

Item Type: Karya ilmiah (Skripsi)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Stainless steel wire, corrosion, corrosion rate, corrosion inhibitor, lime.
Subjects: R Medicine > RK Dentistry
Divisions: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi > Kedokteran Gigi
Depositing User: RIFKY AL THARIQ
Date Deposited: 08 Aug 2019 04:49
Last Modified: 08 Aug 2019 04:49

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