Analisis Resepsi Khalayak Tentang Komedi Dan Dakwah Dalam Konten Pemuda Tersesat Di Youtube

Kuncara, Evan Ardine and , Dr. Fajar Junaedi, S.Sos., M.Si (2024) Analisis Resepsi Khalayak Tentang Komedi Dan Dakwah Dalam Konten Pemuda Tersesat Di Youtube. Skripsi thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta.

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YouTube is one of the social media that attracts a lot of attention from the public. Through YouTube, comedy and da'wah activities can be carried out easily, one of which is Pemuda Tersesat content on Majelis Lucu Indonesia channel. This research aims to determine the religious information messages presented in the content. This research uses Stuart Hall's theory of reception analysis, using descriptive qualitative methods, where data collection is carried out through interviews, observation and documentation. Researchers obtained data using intensity purposive sampling with the background characteristics consist Youth of Pondok Alumni, Hijrah Youth, and Youth that Not Yet Hijrah. The researcher directly selected 6 informants as samples, with the overall meaning result in this research is Dominant Hegemonic, based on Stuart Hall's message reception position category (Dominant Hegemonic, Negotiated, and Oppositional), which conclude that the informants can receive Islamic da'wah messages from the comedy content, so the results of this research state that combining comedy and da'wah content is one option to provide da'wah messages to young people that are relatable, light and easy to understand. This is based on the experience and insight of religious education, as well as a lifestyle that is in accordance with Islamic religious shari'at.

Item Type: Thesis (Skripsi)
Uncontrolled Keywords: comedy, content, dakwah, reception, youtube
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HE Communications
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi dan Informatika > Ilmu Komunikasi
Date Deposited: 19 Aug 2024 02:35
Last Modified: 19 Aug 2024 02:35

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