Pengaruh Harga, Promosi dan Citra Merek Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen Produk Lokasaji

Setianto, Arip and , Dr. Edy Purwo Saputro, S.E.,M.Si (2023) Pengaruh Harga, Promosi dan Citra Merek Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen Produk Lokasaji. Skripsi thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta.

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States that brand image and price have a significant and positive value on purchasing decisions, while promotions do not have an influence on purchasing decisions. The research conducted aims to determine what variables can influence the decision to purchase LokaSaji food products. Marketing at this time is not enough just with product development, quality improvement, affordable prices, or the right product distribution, but more than that, producers must be able to communicate with consumers or customers. This can be done for example by promotion, advertising, or by training salespeople to convey manufacturers' messages about the products they sell. So it can be said that promotion includes all company promotional activities to introduce products and aim to make consumers interested in buying them. Sales promotion indicators aim to determine the extent to which successful promotions affect consumer satisfaction, mission, money, messages, media, and measurements. The product purchase decision is the result of a complex interaction between various factors, including price, promotion, and product brand image. In the context of Lokasaji products, the influence of these three elements is very important to understand in an effort to understand consumer behavior. Based on the results of the discussion carried out in this study, it can be concluded that price has a significant effect on purchasing decisions. Promotion has an insignificant effect on purchasing decisions. Brand image has asignificant effect on decisions.

Item Type: Thesis (Skripsi)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Price, Promotion, Brand Image, Purchase Decision
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HB Economic Theory
H Social Sciences > HD Management, Business and Labor
H Social Sciences > HD Management, Business and Labor > HD26 Market Place/Business Online
Divisions: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis > Manajemen
Depositing User: ARIP SETIANTO
Date Deposited: 05 Aug 2024 07:52
Last Modified: 05 Aug 2024 07:52

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