Perancangan Kawasan Permukiman Biophilic Berbasis Arsitektur Islam Di Desa Singocandi Kudus

Maulansyah, Riza Andhika and , Andika Saputra S.T M, Sc (2022) Perancangan Kawasan Permukiman Biophilic Berbasis Arsitektur Islam Di Desa Singocandi Kudus. Skripsi thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta.

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Kudus City is the smallest city in Central Java with the highest income and the largest income in the industrial sector. The majority of the people have a livelihood as laborers, but due to the covid-19 pandemic which resulted in as many as 1534 workers being laid off which then had an impact on the economy of the workers' families. The impact of the pandemic is not only in the economic sector, but also has an impact on health, society and the environment. The pandemic requires people to spend community activities at home which makes their health problems due to lack of activities outside the home, social impacts are also experienced due to limited relationships and social space of the community so that people tend to be individualistic and their religious activities are disrupted due to recommendations for worship at home, The environmental impact is experienced by the community due to the use of masks on a large scale which results in waste and an unhealthy environment in the community due to an increasing population and massive deforestation carried out to cover their housing needs and change settlement patterns to adapt to the pandemic. This design is carried out with an Islamic architectural approach and biophilic architecture which aims to respond to social, economic, and environmental problems. This design is explained in the form of fulfilling settlement facilities in accordance with regulations and needs for community empowerment. The facilities are divided into 4 zones, namely social zones, economic zones, agriculture zones, residential zones. The social zone consists of the Jami' Mosque, Gusjigang Eucation Centre, Amphitheater, food court, and public spaces. The agriculture zone is a rice field. The Economic Zone consists of shops, and the residential zone consists of housing residents, educational facilities, and a sports center.

Item Type: Thesis (Skripsi)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Permukiman, Fasilitas Ekonomi, Fasilitas Sosial, Arsitektur Biophilic, Arsitektur Islam.
Subjects: N Fine Arts > NA Architecture
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Arsitektur
Date Deposited: 24 Aug 2022 02:27
Last Modified: 24 Aug 2022 02:27

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