Prototipe Alat Pengatur Kelembaban Otomatis Ruang Sarang Burung Walet Berbasis IOT

Pamungkas, Marsudi and , Ir. Pratomo Budi Santosa, M.T (2022) Prototipe Alat Pengatur Kelembaban Otomatis Ruang Sarang Burung Walet Berbasis IOT. Skripsi thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta.

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Swallow's nest is a commodity that has a fairly high economic value. Cultivation of a swallow's nest is done by making buildings that resemble the conditions in the swallow's natural habitat. To produce a quality swallow's nest requires a stable temperature and humidity, which is a temperature range of 26 - 29 ° C and humidity in the range of 80 - 90 %. In order to make room management more efficient and easy, this research makes a prototype of an automatic humidity control device for swallow's nest space that can be monitored directly and indirectly. This tool uses an Arduino Uno microcontroller and NodeMCU ESP8266 to adjust humidity automatically and equipped with online and real time remote monitoring features via blynk platform on a smartphone. The measurement parameters use a DHT22 sensor to measure temperature and humidity and an LDR sensor to measure light intensity. The way this tool works is that when the tool is turned on, the sensor will produce an ADC value and the data value will be processed by the Arduino Uno microcontroller and the processed data value will be sent to the NodeMCU ESP8266. The data from the sensor readings will be displayed on the LCD 20x4 and the blynk platform. When the value of humidity is less than 80 % then the humidifier module is turning on which produces a frequency of ±105 kHz which causes the ceramic plate to vibrate strongly, causing the water to vibrate strongly and causing the water to break into a fine mist. When the humidity has reached the value of 90 %, then the humidifier module will automatically turn off. So this tool will maintain the humidity of the swallow's nest room in the range of 80 - 90 %. The results of the DHT22 sensor test have an average temperature reading error percentage of 0.75% and an average humidity reading error percentage of 7.10%.

Item Type: Thesis (Skripsi)
Uncontrolled Keywords: arduino, blynk, Internet of Things, auto humidifier, swallow nest
Subjects: T Technology > TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Elektro
Date Deposited: 04 Aug 2022 07:07
Last Modified: 04 Aug 2022 07:07

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