Hubungan Antara Karakteristik Sensorik Makanan Dengan Sisa Makanan Biasa Pada Pasien Rawat Inap RSUD dr. Soeratno Gemolong, Kabupaten Sragen

Ariyanti, Vivin and , Endang Nur W, S.St., M.Si.Med and , Rusdin Rauf, S.TP., M.P (2016) Hubungan Antara Karakteristik Sensorik Makanan Dengan Sisa Makanan Biasa Pada Pasien Rawat Inap RSUD dr. Soeratno Gemolong, Kabupaten Sragen. Skripsi thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta.

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Introduction: The problem of nutrition services that often occur in hospitals is the number leftovers it is influenced by several factors, including internal factors (inside) and external factors (outside). External factors one of which is food served which includes color, aroma, taste and texture of food. Based on a preliminary survey inpatient ward in dr Soeratno known Gemolong eat the rest of the patient is still high enough on the food staple by 72%, on the animal side dish 26%, on 70% vegetable side dishes and vegetables 65%. The food served in hospitals serves to maintain the immune system and help the healing process so that high food waste can affect the patient's health. Purpose: The purpose of the study to determine the relationship between the sensory characteristics of food with leftovers regular in-patient dr. Soeratno Gemolong Research methods :. This research is a cross-sectional. The number of respondents 40 people, selected by consecutive sampling. Data collected include food sensory characteristics include color, aroma, taste and texture of foods obtained through questionnaires breakfast, lunch and evening meals as well as the remaining data of patients were obtained by the method of weighing. Data were analyzed by Pearson Product Moment Correlation. Results: Overall the food senssorik characteristics (color, aroma, taste, texture) in the category Good. Karakeristik sensory attractive color category 87.5%, at 82.5% savory aroma category, the category of bad taste and texture 85.5% 97.5% corresponding category. On average 26.6% of respondents leftovers. Conclusion: There is a relationship between color, aroma and taste of food with leftovers regular in-patients in dr. Soeratno Gemolong. There is no relationship between the texture of the food with the rest of the regular meals in hospitalized patients dr. Soeratno Gemolong.

Item Type: Thesis (Skripsi)
Uncontrolled Keywords: sensory characteristics of food, leftovers
Subjects: Q Science > Q Science (General)
R Medicine > RN Nutrition
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan > Gizi
Depositing User: VIVIN ARIYANTI
Date Deposited: 03 Nov 2016 04:22
Last Modified: 05 Sep 2022 04:16

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