Analisis Pengetahuan Perubahan Iklim Dan Adaptasi Masyarakat Di Desa Ngabeyan Kecamatan Kartasura Kabupaten Sukoharjo Tahun 2024

Ningrum, Mifta Widya and , Drs. Yuli Priyana, M.Si (2024) Analisis Pengetahuan Perubahan Iklim Dan Adaptasi Masyarakat Di Desa Ngabeyan Kecamatan Kartasura Kabupaten Sukoharjo Tahun 2024. Skripsi thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta.

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Climate change is an important problem that poses a serious threat to all humans on earth. One thing is certain, this problem is not a problem that can be resolved by itself without human effort. Climate change can affect human life, such as health problems, extreme climate change and uncertain climate change can give rise to disease outbreaks such as dengue fever, skin diseases, coughs and colds. The Royal Society and the US National Academy of Science describe that the problem of climate change has occurred since the 1900s. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate The Intergovermental Panel on Climate Change (IPPC) states that climate change is an increase in temperatures on earth that affects humans because it impacts species and biodiversity that become extinct. Climate change has shown a real impact on the earth and its contents, where the global average temperature has increased by 1ºC and has an impact on increasing natural disasters. This research aims to: 1) Find out the level of climate change knowledge of the community in Ngabeyan Village, Kartasura District, Sukoharjo Regency in 2024. 2) Find out the level of adaptation of the community in Ngabeyan Village, Kartasura District, Sukoharjo Regency in 2024. 3) Is there an influence between knowledge of climate change on the level of adaptation in the community in Ngabeyan Village, Kartasura District, Sukoharjo Regency in 2024. The method used is the sampling method in this research using non-probability sampling with a purposive sampling technique. Data processing techniques are used to process data from answers from questionnaires in the field into a frequency table using statistical methods. The data analysis method used in this research is mixed descriptive analysis and correlation test. There are 3 categories of levels of knowledge and adaptation in this research, namely good, sufficient and poor. The results of the analysis show that based on the research results the average value of the level of knowledge and adaptation of the community in Ngabeyan Village is 80% with a good category level. Based on the results of the product moment correlation test, a correlation of 0.009 was obtained with a significance level of 0.000, which is smaller than 0.05. So the conclusion is that variable

Item Type: Thesis (Skripsi)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Knowledge, Climate change, Adaptation.
Subjects: G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation > G Geography (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Geografi > Geografi
Fakultas Geografi > Geografi
Fakultas Geografi > Geografi
Date Deposited: 14 Aug 2024 04:05
Last Modified: 14 Aug 2024 04:05

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