Religius Harmoni Dalam Sistem Pendidikan Tinggi Pesantren (Studi Kasus Di Universitas Darussalam Gontor Ponorogo)

Wijaya, Umar Said and , Prof. Dr. Musa Asy’arie and , Prof. Dr. Waston, M.Hum. (2023) Religius Harmoni Dalam Sistem Pendidikan Tinggi Pesantren (Studi Kasus Di Universitas Darussalam Gontor Ponorogo). UNSPECIFIED thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta.

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Religious Harmony is a concept of values that allows a person to live in a multicultural society in peace and security. Instilling religious values of harmony can be integrated into the education system. This study aims to analyze the religious values of harmony in the higher education system. The research was conducted at Darussalam Gontor University, Ponorogo. Using a descriptive qualitative research method with a case study approach, data were obtained through direct observation at research locations and interviews with university leaders, directors of Islamic boarding schools, heads of study programs, heads of research and community service institutions, lecturers and students. The research results show that this tertiary institution has implemented harmony religious values education in a pesantren-based higher education system through the stages of harmony knowing, harmony feeling, harmony action, harmony controlling, and harmony evaluation. The religious values of harmony include the values of the five souls of the pesantren, namely; sincerity, simplicity, independence, ukhuwwah Islamiyyah and freedom, supported by the values of peace, the values of equality, the values of the sacredness of life, the values of respect and appreciation, the values of honesty, the values of endowments, and the values of wisdom. These values are based on faith and servitude to Allah SWT. which is extracted from the Qur'an and hadith. Instilling these values through the integration of four educational centers, namely; mosques, dormitories, classes, and the environment/nature with attention to the development of intellectual, spiritual, emotional and skills potential. So that a harmonious campus life can be created.

Item Type: Thesis (UNSPECIFIED)
Uncontrolled Keywords: religious harmony, multicultural, higher education, pesantren, values
Subjects: B Philosophy (General); Religion > BA Islamic > Pendidikan Agama Islam > Pesantren > Pesantren Modern
Divisions: Fakultas Pasca Sarjana > S3 Pendidikan Islam
Depositing User: Ari Fatmawati
Date Deposited: 15 Dec 2023 08:12
Last Modified: 15 Dec 2023 08:12

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