Hubungan Asupan Energi dengan Status Gizi Siswa SMAN 4 Surakarta

Juma'iyah, Hency Nur and , Nur Lathifah Mardiyati, S.Gz,. M.S (2023) Hubungan Asupan Energi dengan Status Gizi Siswa SMAN 4 Surakarta. Skripsi thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta.

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Nutritional problems in adolescents if left untreated will affect the health status of the community in the coming years. Lack of nutrients that enter the body would result in glycogen reserves being converted into the energy. If glycogen reserves were used continuously, it would cause the body to become thin. Adequate energy intake would be stored in the body in the form of fat or other tissues. Consuming large amounts of food could cause excess energy in the body to be stored as fat. This study was an observational study using a cross-sectional method. The data used is energy intake using a 24-hour recall for 3 non-consecutive days and then categorized based on the 2012 WNPG, body weight was measured using a digital stepping scale and height using a microtoise and then categorized based on BMI/U z-score. The research subjects were 77 respondents. With the criteria of not being on a diet and in good health. Data analysis used the Spearman test. Shows that energy intake affects the nutritional status of SMAN 4 Surakarta students. Nutritional intake in the good category is 57.1%. The normal category of nutritional status is 46.8%. There was a relationship between energy intake and the nutritional status of SMAN 4 Surakarta students (p=0.001) and the value of r is 0.386 which indicates a sufficient correlation between energy intake and nutritional status. There was a significant relationship between energy intake and the nutritional status of SMAN 4 Surakarta students. The school principal was expected to work together with the Surakarta Health Office to socialize the importance of maintaining a diet to avoid abnormal weight and intake.

Item Type: Thesis (Skripsi)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Adolescent, energy intake, nutritional status
Subjects: R Medicine > RN Nutrition
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan > Gizi
Depositing User: HENCY NUR JUMA'IYAH
Date Deposited: 21 Sep 2023 06:08
Last Modified: 21 Sep 2023 06:08

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