Variasi Jenis Latihan Penderita Hipertensi di Wilayah Kartasura

Rohmah, Fauzia Wahyu Nur Aini and , Isnaini Herawati,S.Fis.,Ftr.,M.Sc (2023) Variasi Jenis Latihan Penderita Hipertensi di Wilayah Kartasura. Skripsi thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta.

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The purpose of this research is to determine the types of exercise variations commonly performed by hypertensive patients. This study employs a descriptive research design. Typically, physiotherapy interventions that can be undertaken to reduce blood pressure in hypertensive patients include aerobic exercises, hypertension exercises, isometric exercises, and brisk walking exercises. The research population for this study are using patient in the Kartasura region, Sukoharjo. The sample for the subjects study are using 33 hypertensive patients. The data collection is conducted through interviews and questionnaires provided to patients to answer the questionnaires. The results of the study on the variety of exercise types among hypertensive patients in Kartasura indicate that hypertensive patients in Kartasura engage in aerobic exercises such as brisk walking exercises (60.6%), cycling (21.2%), gymnastics (15.1%), and swimming (3.0%). Therefore, it can be concluded that hypertensives patients in the Kartasura region predominantly engage in aerobic exercises, with brisk walking exercises at (60,6 % ).

Item Type: Thesis (Skripsi)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Aerobics, Blood Pressure, Hypertension, Type of Exercise, Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Subjects: R Medicine > RH Physiotherapy
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan > Fisioterapi
Date Deposited: 15 Sep 2023 06:18
Last Modified: 15 Sep 2023 06:19

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