Analisis Indeks Potensi Lahan Kawasan Strategis Kecamatan Gemolong Kabupaten Sragen Berbasis Sistem Informasi Geografis

Yuliyanto, Tri and , Aditya Saputra, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D. (2023) Analisis Indeks Potensi Lahan Kawasan Strategis Kecamatan Gemolong Kabupaten Sragen Berbasis Sistem Informasi Geografis. Skripsi thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta.

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Gemolong Sub-district is characterized by mostly flat and sloping areas. Sloping areas have great potential for agricultural purposes. Gemolong Sub-district is experiencing massive regional development, but with the development of the times, changes in the spatial structure make the conversion of agricultural land into non-agricultural land and the decline in the productivity of agricultural products unavoidable. To support sustainable development by maintaining the agricultural sector and the productivity of agricultural products remains optimal, it is necessary to evaluate and analyze land potential so that land can be maintained and available. This study aims to (1) assess the distribution of land potential index in Gemolong Sub-district, (2) identify superior agricultural commodities in the area, (3) assess the productivity of agricultural land, and evaluate the production efficiency of superior commodities such as rice, corn, and peanuts. The research methodology uses a geographic information system (GIS) overlay approach, combining quantitative hierarchical analysis with scoring for each relevant factor. The higher and lower the score or value, the greater the influence on the land condition. Field surveys were conducted to ensure the accuracy of the research findings. The research results for Gemolong Sub-district categorize the Land Potential Index into three classes, namely low, medium, and high. The high land potential class covers 773.31 hectares, the medium land potential class covers 1658.50 hectares, and the low land potential class covers 1620.86 hectares. The productivity of agricultural commodities in 2022 rice production is 33,234 tons with a productivity of 6.31 tons per hectare, corn and peanut commodities are harvested with corn production reaching 1590 tons with an average production of 6.70 tons/ha and peanut production reaching 638 tons with an average production of 1.91 tons/ha. The efficiency of agricultural land in Gemolong Sub-district has a value of 100%, which means that the land condition is still very good and under control and produces the number of harvests with a percentage of agricultural land area.

Item Type: Thesis (Skripsi)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Indeks Potensi Lahan, Lahan Pertanian. Produktivitas, Kecamatan Gemolong
Subjects: G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation > G Geography (General)
Q Science > Q Science (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Geografi > Geografi
Fakultas Geografi > Geografi
Fakultas Geografi > Geografi
Depositing User: TRI YULIYANTO
Date Deposited: 14 Aug 2023 08:39
Last Modified: 14 Aug 2023 08:39

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