Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Pengenalan Ragam Lagu Daerah Berbasis Mobile Untuk Anak Kelas V Sekolah Dasar

Widhi Nugroho, Anang and , Dias Aziz Pramudita, S.Pd., M.Cs (2022) Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Pengenalan Ragam Lagu Daerah Berbasis Mobile Untuk Anak Kelas V Sekolah Dasar. Thesis thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta.

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This research is based on the observation that teachers rarely use learning media during the learning process, teachers more often use conventional methods that are less attractive which results in boring learning process activities and students becoming less aware of the material and concepts presented. In addition, the current pandemic condition requires students to study independently at home online and online learning methods that are less attractive make students feel bored. The solution that can be given to overcome the problems above is by utilizing current technological developments by developing learning media. Utilization of mobile-based learning media with interactive presentations to foster interest in learning and make it easier for students to understand the subject matter. This study aims to determine whether android-based mobile learning media is feasible, understand how students experience during the learning process using learning media, and what students think after using the android-based mobile learning media. The research method used in this research and development (RnD) method is systematic and empirical proposed by Sutama (2012) for the development process carried out by the 4D plot method from Sivasailam Thiagarajan, Dorothy S. Semmel, and Melvyn I. Semmel which was modified by Trianto (2010) consists of several stages, including: 1) Define; 2)Design; 3) Develop; 4) Disseminate. This research was conducted at the Teter State Elementary School in class V as many as 10 students as the subject of research on the suitability of the media which was made with a trial procedure using an instrument in the form of a limited questionnaire sheet. The results of the calculation on the feasibility test by media experts obtained a value of 203 interpretation percentage with a percentage of 85% and categorized as very feasible. The results of the calculation on the feasibility test by material experts obtained a score of 211, the percentage of interpretation with a percentage of 92% and was categorized as very feasible. The average SUS result from student or user was 83.25 in the percentile rating the value obtained was 90%, while in grade it was obtained grade A, included in the excellent category, and included in the Acceptable category for the level of acceptance, and included in the Promoter on the NPS scale.

Item Type: Thesis (Thesis)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Media Pembelajaran, Mobile, Seni Budaya dan Keterampilan.
Subjects: L Education > LG Individual institutions (Asia. Africa) > Education in Indonesia
Divisions: Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan > Pendidikan Teknik Informatika
Date Deposited: 12 Aug 2022 15:28
Last Modified: 12 Aug 2022 15:28

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